Types of #Government

 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰"""Government Types""🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰

🇵🇰🇵🇰The way Government Work🇵


;;;;A govt whose authority is based on citizens votes which are represented by elected or nominated officials chosen in free election::::


:::Democracy means rule of the people the term today refers to a political system in which the people or their elected representative govern themselves:::


::::A govt where priests rule in the name of God or by officals who are regarded as divinely guided or consistant with the principles of particular region.:::::


::::A govt controlled by absolute power in the hand of a single person with minimal restraints on the decision lack of any mechanisms of popular control.:::::


::::A govt where scientist technical expert are in control the state where rules are selected on the basic of their knowledge skill rather than wealth power::::


;;;;It is way of ruling that advocates total control of the people and seeks to promote  the ancestral culture values eradicate foreign influenses::::


;;;Anarchy is a state of absence of law.A state of law lessness and disorder (usually resulting from failure of govt.:::


:::;A govt where supreme authority is visited in a single ysually heredity figure such as a king whose power can vary from absolute to none at all.:::::

9.🇵🇰Oligarchy 🇵🇰

;;;Rule of the law it is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests  with a faction of persons or families:::


::;:Govt ruled by the rich or power provided by wealth of used to describe  a wealthy class ruling a govt often from behind the senses:::::

11.🇵🇰Tyranny 🇵🇰

:::::Govt or authority of an absolute ruler arbitrary exercise of power over subjects not requisite for the purposes of govt approved by law and justice.:::

12.🇵🇰Totalitarian 🇵🇰

;:;;A totalitarian is the one in which a single

Political authority regulates total controlled over state that is centralized and dictatorial:::::


:::Communisim is a system of govt in which the state owns and oprates industry on behalf of the people::


:;;;It refers toba group or a coalition that takes central of the state after overthrowing a govt usually this is done by a millitary groups::::


:::Govt or autharity of an absolute ruler arbitrary exercise of power over subjects not requisite for the purpose of govt approves by law and justice::: 


::A form of govt where the power rests entirely on one person or a group of person this rule could be acquired by inheritance force is usually oppressive.::


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